Connecting NSM's basic principles for ICT security and NIST CSF 2.0
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has updated the widely used Cybersecurity Framework (CSF). Here is mnemonic’s mapping between the new 2.0 edition and the Norwegian National Security Authority's (NSM) basic principles for ICT security

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To make it easier for organisations to compare the two recognised control frameworks, mnemonic has developed a mapping table that shows the similarities and differences between the frameworks.
You can download the mapping of the Norwegian National Security Authority's (NSM) basic principles for ICT security version 2.0 and the National Institute of Standards and Technology's (NIST) Cybersecurity Framework (CSF) version 2.0 below.
This resource is the result of a thorough analysis carried out by mnemonic's security experts. Our goal is to highlight similarities between these two important control frameworks, which will help organisations better understand how to achieve an adequate level of security.
The mapping table is available for download in Excel format. We encourage all security experts to familiarise themselves with and make use of this resource in their work. By using recognised control frameworks like these, we contribute to enhancing our national security. We look forward to hearing your feedback and experiences using this mapping table.
Please note that this is a product developed by mnemonic, and it has not been officially reviewed by NSM or NIST.
mnemonic has informed NSM about the work, and NSM generally states that it is positive that other professional communities are enhancing the usefulness of NSM's products, so that Norwegian businesses have even more tools to strengthen their security. This is something mnemonic is proud to contribute to!
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